Xiong Hui Ping (Department of Mathematics)
摘要 本文讨论了结合环的一个类是半单类当且仅当它是扩张闭、余归纳和正则的。这不仅回答了Wiegandt.R所提出的问题,并且进一步深化了Sands.A.D提出的结论。
关键词 :
结合环 ,
Abstract :It is shown that a class of associative rings is a semisimple class if an donly if it is closed under extensions, coinductive and regular It not only gives answer to the quesion of Weigndt R. but also sharpens the result of the Sands A. D theorem.
Key words :
associative ring
semisimple class;
出版日期: 1989-12-28
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