ZHANG Menga,PENG Guo-yina,GUO Shou-huia,b,TANG Jian-chengc(a.Engineering Research Center for Luminescence Materials and Devices of the Education of Ministry,Nanchang 330047,China;b.College of Science,Nanchang University;c.College of Materials and Enginee
Abstract:Two kind of processing crafts to the a trace of rare earth elements adding Cu-1.9Fe and Cu-1.0Cr(wt%) alloys:casting+solution+aging;casting+aging.It has been studied that the effects of these crafts on the microstructures,hardness and electrical conductiv
张萌; 彭国印; 郭守晖; 唐建成. 热处理对Cu-Fe及Cu-Cr两种合金性能的影响[J]. 南昌大学学报(理科版), 2010, 34(02): 1-.
ZHANG Menga,PENG Guo-yina,GUO Shou-huia,b,TANG Jian-chengc(a.Engineering Research Center for Luminescence Materials and Devices of the Education of Ministry,Nanchang 330047,China;b.College of Science,Nanchang University;c.College of Materials and Enginee. . , 2010, 34(02): 1-.