LIU Yong-zhong1,HE Man-lian2(1.College of Economic and Administration,Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanchang 330006,China2.The Yongxin Country People’s Hospital,Yongxin 343400,China)
Abstract:The optimization Gongxuening scatters a slice to assist to anticipate to go together with a ratio rather,type craft.Adoption’s grinding a method will assist to anticipate to withdraw a cream to mix to make a dispersion slice evenly with heavy building,bu
刘永忠; 何满莲. 重楼分散片的制备和质量分析[J]. 南昌大学学报(理科版), 2008, 32(06): 1-.
LIU Yong-zhong1,HE Man-lian2(1.College of Economic and Administration,Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanchang 330006,China2.The Yongxin Country People’s Hospital,Yongxin 343400,China). . , 2008, 32(06): 1-.