潘国双; 许忠义
南昌大学数学系; 南昌大学数学系 江西南昌330047; 江西南昌330047;
PAN Guo\|shuang,XU Zhong\|yi(Department of Mathematics,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330047,China)
摘要 一种Reinhardt圆型域的几何性质 ,包括其Bergman度量 ,Ricci曲率 ,无向曲率及酉曲率 ,最后还讨论了圆型域的面积定理 ,所有这些显示了圆型域与超球几何性质的不同
关键词 :
圆型域 ,
酉曲率 ,
无向曲率 ,
面积定理 ,
Ricci曲率 ,
Abstract :This paper discusses the geometric properties of a kind of Reinhardt circular domain,including its Bergman metric,Ricci curvature,scalar curvature and unitary curvature.In the end,we also discuss its area theorem.All these show the difference of geometric
Key words :
scalar curvature
Ricci curvature
Bergman metric
circular domain
area theorem;
unitary curvature
出版日期: 2002-03-28
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