LIU Zhen-liang~1,ZHOU Shi-liang~2,ZHANG Mei~3,(1.Second Department of Medicine,Jiangxi Cancer Hospittal Nanchang 330029,China;2a.Nanchang University Medical College;2b.2001 Grade,the First Clinical Medical College,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330006,Chin
Abstract:Objective To investigate the association of glucocorticoid receptor gene polymorphism with asthma,and then to probe whether glucocorticoid receptor gene is or not a key gene(susceptibility gene) of asthma.Methods Polymerase chain reaction/Single-strand co
刘震天; 周世良; 张梅. 糖皮质激素受体基因外显子2/1密码子23多态性与支气管哮喘的相关性研究[J]. 南昌大学学报(医学版), 2006, 48(06): 1-.
LIU Zhen-liang~1,ZHOU Shi-liang~2,ZHANG Mei~3,(1.Second Department of Medicine,Jiangxi Cancer Hospittal Nanchang 330029,China;2a.Nanchang University Medical College;2b.2001 Grade,the First Clinical Medical College,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330006,Chin. . , 2006, 48(06): 1-.