WU Li-dong1,ZHU Xiao-hong1,ZHOU Ying2,ZHOU Zhi-dong1(1.Department of Anaesthesia,the Second Affiliciated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical College ,Nangchang,330006,China;2. Department of Operatingroom,the Second Affiliciated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical Colleg
Abstract:Objective :Toinvestigate the feasibility and safety of combined spinal-epidural anesthesiausedin anesthesia and analgesia for prostate extirpation.Methods Patients were dividedinto twogroups randomly :Groups CEAand CESA.Everything was operatedroutinely an
吴利东; 朱晓红; 周颖; 周志东; 卢忆梅. 联合腰麻和硬膜外麻醉在前列腺摘除围手术期的临床应用[J]. 南昌大学学报(医学版), 2005, 47(04): 1-.
WU Li-dong1,ZHU Xiao-hong1,ZHOU Ying2,ZHOU Zhi-dong1(1.Department of Anaesthesia,the Second Affiliciated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical College ,Nangchang,330006,China;2. Department of Operatingroom,the Second Affiliciated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical Colleg. . , 2005, 47(04): 1-.