Hu Guo zhu 1,Zhang Jin 1,Nie Rong qing 1,Wen Zhu 2 (1 Department of Immunology,Jiangxi Institute of TCM and Pharmacology,Nanchang, Jiangxi,330077,China;2 Departmetn of Experiment al Hematology Jinangxi Institute of Medical Science,Nanchang,Jia
Abstract:To research the mechanism of the LAK Cells Killing different B lymphoid leukemic lines Methods:To use the method of fetal spleen LAK cells induced by low concentrative rhIL 2 killing 51 Cr marked B lymphoid leukemic lines,Daudi and Bri 8 Results:To demons
胡国柱; 张进; 聂荣庆; 文珠. 胎脾LAK细胞杀伤不同的B淋巴白血病细胞系的比较[J]. 南昌大学学报(医学版), 2000, 42(02): 1-.
Hu Guo zhu 1,Zhang Jin 1,Nie Rong qing 1,Wen Zhu 2 (1 Department of Immunology,Jiangxi Institute of TCM and Pharmacology,Nanchang, Jiangxi,330077,China;2 Departmetn of Experiment al Hematology Jinangxi Institute of Medical Science,Nanchang,Jia. . , 2000, 42(02): 1-.