Fang Lian Wu Zhonghua (Department of Physiology,Jiangxi Medical College)Wu Yinsheng (Department of Medicine,The First Affiliated Hospital,Jiangxi Medical College)
摘要本文对32例男性冠心病患者分为两组(Ⅰ组:41—59岁,18例;Ⅱ组:60—87岁,14例),应用放射免疫法进行了血浆睾酮(T)及雌二醇(E2)测定。并与14名年龄相仿【43—71岁)的男性非冠心病组作对照。结果表明:血浆 T 浓度冠心病组与对照组比较无显著差异(P>0.05);血浆 E2浓度及 E2
Abstract:An investigation of the plasma level of testosterone and estradiol in male patients with coronary heart disease by means of radioimmunoassay is reported in this paper.The patients tested were divided into two groups: group Ⅰ,18 patients,41-59 years old;g