He Shigin Chen Ruigi Shi Zhongxian(Department of Mirobiology, Jiangxi Medical college) Yao xiaomei(Jiangxi-provinciol Hospital for women’s Health) Liao Zhisheng(Department of Epideiolgy, Jiangxi Medical college)
Abstract:A total of 233sera from healtly men and patients of penice cancer were tes- ted for IgG antibodies to HSV-2 by immuoenzymatic method. The frequence and GMT of IgG antibodies to HSV-2 from healthy men were compred with those with penice cancer. There was a
何士勤; 陈瑞琪; 施仲贤; 饶晓梅; 廖之昇. 应用酶免疫法检测阴茎癌病人HSV抗体[J]. 南昌大学学报(医学版), 1985, 27(01): 1-.
He Shigin Chen Ruigi Shi Zhongxian(Department of Mirobiology, Jiangxi Medical college) Yao xiaomei(Jiangxi-provinciol Hospital for women’s Health) Liao Zhisheng(Department of Epideiolgy, Jiangxi Medical college). . , 1985, 27(01): 1-.