Hu Zhenqiu Li Waigou Chen Jialiang Wu Genxiu (Department of Nuclear Medecine, Jiangxi Medical College) Chen Zhanglin Jiang Zisheng Hu Qi Yang Rang jian (Department of Viral Biochemistry, Jiangxi Institute of Medical Science, Nanchang)
Abstract:This paper will describe another way to obtain influenza virus HA by sodium dodecyl sulphate(SDS) disruption.The HA molecules still have agglutination properties, ond under the condition of SDS,this HA can be radioiodinated and purified by electrophoresis
出版日期: 1983-12-28
胡镇球; 李外苟; 陈家量; 吴根秀; 陈章林; 江紫生; 胡起; 杨荣鉴. 用放射性核素标记甲型流感病毒血凝素及其放射火箭电泳方法的建立[J]. 南昌大学学报(医学版), 1983, 25(04): 1-.
Hu Zhenqiu Li Waigou Chen Jialiang Wu Genxiu (Department of Nuclear Medecine, Jiangxi Medical College) Chen Zhanglin Jiang Zisheng Hu Qi Yang Rang jian (Department of Viral Biochemistry, Jiangxi Institute of Medical Science, Nanchang). . , 1983, 25(04): 1-.