Liu Bingjie(Zhejiang Institute of Finance and Ecollomics,Hanzhou,310012) Lu Xiangnan(Faculty of Business Administration, Zhejiang University,Hanzhou,310027)
Abstract:This paper proposes an optimal method to deal with the problem of job sequence for single-machine scheduling which includes factor of due-date.An optimal job sequence can be directly obtained when the due-date is known.An optimal due-date and an optimal j
刘炳杰; 卢向南. 单台机器调度的交货期确定及任务排序的优化方法[J]. 南昌大学学报(理科版), 1996, 20(02): 1-.
Liu Bingjie(Zhejiang Institute of Finance and Ecollomics,Hanzhou,310012) Lu Xiangnan(Faculty of Business Administration, Zhejiang University,Hanzhou,310027). . , 1996, 20(02): 1-.