Abstract: As the simulation biological energy transfer mode,ecology evolutionary algorithm of food chain was applied to multistage transmission network planning(MTNP).A method was put forth for initialization according to the initial populations of food chain distribution has great effect on EEAFC’s convergence performance.The method made the initial population distributed in the search space widely and overcame the weaknesses of unreasonable distribution of populations,which was caused by completely random initialization.According to the characteristics of MTNP,a real number encoding method,which adopts the lines as the decision variables and the serial number of the planning stage as the search domain,is proposed and solved the problem that decision variables’ dimension increases as the stage increases.According to the characteristics of lower quality of low and intermediate population,unusual mutation strategy is proposed.The strategy,which makes the low and intermediate population generate new individual quickly,improves the population quality and avoid "precocity".The test is performed on a 19-bus system.The final best planning scheme demonstrated that the method EEAFC-based MTNP is practical and effective.