摘要首先将2维KaKeya型的极大函数通过Fourier变换转化成振荡型积分的形式,对此振荡型积分作相应的估计。通过L ittlewood-Paley方法将此振荡型积分分解成不同的算子,在估计极大算子时,通过Newton-Le ibn ig公式,将其转化为相应的积分形式,最后通过经典的振荡型积分的估计,得到最后
Abstract:Firstly from Fourier transformation transform the two dimensional maximal function of Kakeya type to the oscillatory integrals,then through these oscillatory integrals to get estimate,this paper uses the methods of Littlewood-Paley to divide these oscilla
桂易清. 振荡型积分对极大函数的估计[J]. 南昌大学学报(理科版), 2006, 30(04): 1-.
GUI Yi-qing(Department of Mathematics,South China Normal University GuangZhou 510631,China). . , 2006, 30(04): 1-.