ZHU Ming-feng1a,YANG Wen-ji2,LIU Hong-ning1b,DU Jian-qiang1a, YU Ri-yue1c,HUANG Li-ping1c,NIE Bin1a(1a.School of Computer Science;1b.Key Laboratory of Modern Preparation of TCM,Ministry of Education; 1c.School of Medical Science,Jiangxi University of Tra
Abstract:The principle and implementation of xor linked list were described.Xor linked list was provided with the features of high flexibility,high editing capacity,high efficiency and low storage.Comparison experiment indicated that xor linked list had an obvious
朱明峰; 杨文姬; 刘红宁; 杜建强; 余日跃; 黄丽萍; 聂斌. 异或链及其在药性数据预处理中的应用[J]. 南昌大学学报(理科版), 2011, 35(06): 1-.
ZHU Ming-feng1a,YANG Wen-ji2,LIU Hong-ning1b,DU Jian-qiang1a, YU Ri-yue1c,HUANG Li-ping1c,NIE Bin1a(1a.School of Computer Science;1b.Key Laboratory of Modern Preparation of TCM,Ministry of Education; 1c.School of Medical Science,Jiangxi University of Tra. . , 2011, 35(06): 1-.