CHEN Hui-gen1,LIU Yu-e2(1.Department of Radiology,Out Patient Department of Medical Insurance forWork and Staff Members of Fuzhou;2.Department of Internal Medicine,Linchuan District Hospital of Fuzhou,Fuzhou 344000,China)
Abstract:Objective:To discuss the imaging manifestation and diagnostic characteristics of the solitary caseous nodule pulmonary tuberculosis with the diameter less than 15 cm.Methods:Forty-nine patients with the solitary caseous nodule pulmonary tuberculosis were
陈惠根; 刘玉娥. 孤立干酪结节性肺结核的X线、CT分析[J]. 实用临床医学, 2007, 8(06): 1-.
CHEN Hui-gen1,LIU Yu-e2(1.Department of Radiology,Out Patient Department of Medical Insurance forWork and Staff Members of Fuzhou;2.Department of Internal Medicine,Linchuan District Hospital of Fuzhou,Fuzhou 344000,China). . , 2007, 8(06): 1-.