Yin Dong Chen Honggen Zeng Xiaojun Jiang Weisheng Gao Zhulu Hu Fei Zhang Shaoji (Institute of Parasitic Diseases of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang 330046,China) H·Murakam (The Group of Aid for Study of Schistosomiasis in China
Abstract:To explore the epidemic situation of schistosomiasis in Fanhu village after flood 1995,indirect hemagglutination test (IHA) and monoclonal antibody sandwish ELISA were applied to investigate the level of circulating antibody and antigen in residents of Fa
尹东; 陈红根; 曾晓军; 姜唯声; 高祖禄; 胡飞; 张绍基; 村上秀典. 鄱阳湖区饭湖村日本血吸虫病血清学检测及分析[J]. 南昌大学学报(医学版), 1997, 39(01): 1-.
Yin Dong Chen Honggen Zeng Xiaojun Jiang Weisheng Gao Zhulu Hu Fei Zhang Shaoji (Institute of Parasitic Diseases of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang 330046,China) H·Murakam (The Group of Aid for Study of Schistosomiasis in China. . , 1997, 39(01): 1-.