Abstract:It mainly studies Bi expandable spaces,the main results are the following:(1)Let X=∏σ∈ΣXσ|Σ|-paracompact and every πα open and onto mapping,if X is |Σ|-paracompact,and if every Xα is Bi(i=0,1) expandable,then X is Bi(i=0,1) expandable.(2)If X=∏
蔡奇嵘; 苏淑华. 关于可膨胀空间的逆极限及无限Tychonoff积[J]. 南昌大学学报(理科版), 2009, 33(06): 1-.
CAI Qi-rong,SU Shu-hua(Department of Mathematics,East China Institute of Technology,Fuzhou,Jiangxi 344000,China). . , 2009, 33(06): 1-.