胡小忠; 柳和生; 赖家美; 匡唐清
南昌大学机电工程学院; 南昌大学机电工程学院 江西南昌330029; 江西南昌330029; 江西南昌330029;
HU Xiao-zhong,LIU He-sheng,LAI Jia-mei,KUANG Tang-qing (School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330029,China)
摘要 在聚合物加工成型中,薄膜双轴拉伸成型就是平面拉伸成型,随着聚合物在固相状态下加工的日愈发展,建立这种成型加工方式下的本构模型显得很迫切,国内尚无相关报道.本文介绍了聚合物多轴拉伸网格模型的研究进展,然后建立起聚合物多轴拉伸网格模型,并在此基础上阐述了Ball模型参数
关键词 :
高斯网格 ,
多轴拉伸 ,
对比应力 ,
Abstract :The multiaxial stretching of polymer film was planar stretching in polymer processing,and it was very important to set up the constitutive model with the development of polymer solid processing,which was not reported yet.In this paper,the advances in stud
Key words :
network model
Gaussian network
multiaxial stretching
出版日期: 2004-09-28
胡小忠; 柳和生; 赖家美; 匡唐清. 聚合物多轴拉伸的网格模型[J]. 南昌大学学报(工科版), 2004, 26(03): 1-.
HU Xiao-zhong,LIU He-sheng,LAI Jia-mei,KUANG Tang-qing (School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330029,China). . , 2004, 26(03): 1-.
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