王美艳; 包忠诩; 钟倩
南昌大学机电工程学院; 南昌衡器总厂 江西南昌330029; 江西南昌330029; 江西南昌330001;
WANG Mei-yan1,BAO Zhong-xu1,ZHONG QIAN2 (1.Mechanical and Electronic Engineering School,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330029,China; 2.Nanchang Weighting Apparatus Compang,Nanchang 330001,China)
摘要 根据自由曲面以及曲面造型的原理,结合UGⅡ三维造型CAD软件的自由曲面造型的方法,阐述对于外部形状复杂的全顺汽车高顶蓬三维造型CAD的全过程,包括合理划分曲面片,前、中、后三部分曲面片设计,实体模型设计以及在造型过程中的一些思路和方法,并由此得出完成复杂自由曲面造型设
关键词 :
自由曲面 ,
曲面片 ,
Abstract :According to the principle of freedom surface and surface modeling,The paper describes the whole process of the 3D modeling CAD for the roof of Transit automobile,whose outer configuration is very complex,including proper ly divided surface piece,three pa
Key words :
surface piece;
surface modeling
freedom surface
出版日期: 2003-03-28
王美艳; 包忠诩; 钟倩. 用UGⅡ三维造型CAD软件对全顺汽车高顶蓬的设计[J]. 南昌大学学报(工科版), 2003, 25(01): 1-.
WANG Mei-yan1,BAO Zhong-xu1,ZHONG QIAN2 (1.Mechanical and Electronic Engineering School,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330029,China; 2.Nanchang Weighting Apparatus Compang,Nanchang 330001,China). . , 2003, 25(01): 1-.
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