熊进刚; 李艳
南昌大学土木工程学院; 南昌大学土木工程学院 江西南昌330029; 江西南昌330029;
XIONG Jin-gang,LI Yan (School of Civil Engineering,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330029,China)
摘要 本文简要介绍了高层建筑中结构转换层的功能、主要型式、特点及工程应用,并结合厦门市某带梁式转换层的高层建筑,介绍了其结构转换层的方案选择、结构布置、结构整体分析与计算、转换梁的设计及有关构造要求,供设计和研究人员参考.
关键词 :
转换梁 ,
结构转换层 ,
Abstract :The function and the type of structure transfer floors in tall buildings are introduced.According to a tall building with the transfer floor in Xiamen City,the choice of the transfer floor type,the whole calculation of the structure,and the relevant desig
Key words :
transfer girde
structure transfer floor
tall building;
出版日期: 2002-12-28
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