王羽; 李勇; 黄新帮
WANG Yu,LI Yong,HUANG Xin-bang(Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery,the People’s Hospital of Ganzhou,Ganzhou 341000,China)
摘要 目的探讨口内切口食指引导下治疗颧弓单纯性骨折的效果。方法36例经X线确诊为闭合式单纯性颧弓骨折并移位的患者,通过口内切口用食指行颧弓骨折复位。结果术后3个月~2年随访,36例患者外观及张口度均达优良,其中优24例,良12例。结论食指触觉引导下颧弓骨折复位是一种无需特殊设
关键词 :
食指 ,
颧弓骨折 ,
Abstract :Objective to discuss the effect of treating simple zygoma fracture under the control of the intraoral incision index finger.Methods 36 patients who have closed simple zygoma fracture and displacement were cured by the intraoral incision index finger.Resul
Key words :
intraoral incision;
fracture of zygomatic arch
出版日期: 2010-06-28
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