JIANG Ling a,HU Ling b,HUANG Hui-zhong c (a.2007 Grade of Medical Department of Graduate School,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330006,China;b.Department of Endocrinology,the Third Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University,Nanchang 330008,China;c.2008 Grad
Abstract:Objective To compare two different methods for establishing the model of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT)in rats and to provide an effective animal model for further investigating the pathogenesis and treatment of autoimmune thyroid diseases.Meth
姜玲; 胡玲; 黄慧钟. 实验性自身免疫性甲状腺炎动物模型的比较[J]. 实用临床医学, 2010, 11(03): 1-.
JIANG Ling a,HU Ling b,HUANG Hui-zhong c (a.2007 Grade of Medical Department of Graduate School,Nanchang University,Nanchang 330006,China;b.Department of Endocrinology,the Third Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University,Nanchang 330008,China;c.2008 Grad. . , 2010, 11(03): 1-.