ZHANG Zai-shu1,ZHANG Da-yong1,LIU Xu-wu1,Zong Kai1,XIE Yue2 (1.Department of Orthopaedics,Dingji Central Hospital of Huai’an,Huai’an 223304,China;2.1st Department of Orthepaedics,the Affiliated Huai’an First Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Huai
Abstract:Objective:To explore the clinical characteristics and the method of treatment for lumbar disc herniation in the adolescents.Methods: The clinical materials and operating records of 14 patients were studied retrospectively.Results: All patients were follow
张载书; 张大勇; 刘绪武; 宗凯; 谢跃. 青少年腰椎间盘突出症14例临床分析[J]. 实用临床医学, 2007, 8(04): 1-.
ZHANG Zai-shu1,ZHANG Da-yong1,LIU Xu-wu1,Zong Kai1,XIE Yue2 (1.Department of Orthopaedics,Dingji Central Hospital of Huai’an,Huai’an 223304,China;2.1st Department of Orthepaedics,the Affiliated Huai’an First Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Huai. . , 2007, 8(04): 1-.