Chen Jin-feng~1,Lin Lan-xiang~(2a),Chen Jin-hua~(2b)(1.Department of Ultrasonic,the Kengzi People′s Hospital of Longgang District,Shenzhen518122,China;2a.Department of Gynecoly and Obstetrics,2b.Department of Ultrasonic,the Center Hospital of Longgang,S
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the use of ultrasound in prediagnosis of fetal malformation.Methods:The 2D-ultr asound and CDFI were employed in pre-labored diagnosis for 1 5000 pregnant women.Results:Ninety-six malformated fetuses were found from 5/1992 to 9/20
陈金凤; 林兰香; 陈金华. 胎儿畸形的产前超声诊断[J]. 实用临床医学, 2006, 7(02): 1-.
Chen Jin-feng~1,Lin Lan-xiang~(2a),Chen Jin-hua~(2b)(1.Department of Ultrasonic,the Kengzi People′s Hospital of Longgang District,Shenzhen518122,China;2a.Department of Gynecoly and Obstetrics,2b.Department of Ultrasonic,the Center Hospital of Longgang,S. . , 2006, 7(02): 1-.