Jiang Jian-lin1, Liu Lu-ping2(1.Department of Stomatology,Hospital of Nancheng Tradtional Chinese M edicine,Nanchang 344700,China; 2.Department of Stomatology,First Affiliated Hospital ofJiangxi Medical College,Nanchang 330006,China)
Abstract:Objective:To examine the incidence of resorptioradix of fir st incisor after juvenile orthodontic treatment.Methods:Sixty cases were randomly selected after fixatio-orthodontic treatment at least 12 months.Each of the pat ients had clear film of orthopano
江建林; 刘路平. 青少年正畸治疗前后上中切牙牙根吸收的临床研究[J]. 实用临床医学, 2005, 6(07): 1-.
Jiang Jian-lin1, Liu Lu-ping2(1.Department of Stomatology,Hospital of Nancheng Tradtional Chinese M edicine,Nanchang 344700,China; 2.Department of Stomatology,First Affiliated Hospital ofJiangxi Medical College,Nanchang 330006,China). . , 2005, 6(07): 1-.