Ye Zhi qiou 1,Guo Qing lu 1,Mo Ren guang 2,Tang Ri jie 1,Wei Bei yang 1 (1.Department of Radiology,Guangdong provincial Maternal and Child Health Institute,Guangzhou 510010,China; 2.Department of Radiology,Xinghui People’s Hospital, Xinghui 5
Abstract:Objective: To analyse radiological features and characteristic of bone in congenital syphilis.Materials and Methods:Ten bone radiographs were obtained for newborns with congenital syphilis and their abnormalities were analyzed.Results:bone radiographs abn
叶志球; 郭庆禄; 莫任光; 汤日杰; 魏北阳. 先天性骨梅毒的X线表现分析[J]. 实用临床医学, 2002, 3(02): 1-.
Ye Zhi qiou 1,Guo Qing lu 1,Mo Ren guang 2,Tang Ri jie 1,Wei Bei yang 1 (1.Department of Radiology,Guangdong provincial Maternal and Child Health Institute,Guangzhou 510010,China; 2.Department of Radiology,Xinghui People’s Hospital, Xinghui 5. . , 2002, 3(02): 1-.