Liu Yingbin; Jiang Xiaogiang; Liu Fen; Luo Zhigiang(The Second Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical College,Nanchang 330006)Peng Skuyong(The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejian Medical University, Hangzhou 310009)He Xiaowei(Shongjiang County People’
Abstract:In order to observe the secretion of endothelin in liver,kidney,stomach,lung tissues andblood after ligation of the common bile duct and to evaluate the role of endothelin in obstructive jaundice, the concentration of endothelin in tissues of liver, kidne
刘颖斌; 蒋筱强; 刘峰; 罗志强; 彭淑; 何小伟. 内皮素在梗阻性黄疸大鼠血液、肝、肾、胃及肺组织中的含量变化和作用研究[J]. 南昌大学学报(医学版), 1998, 40(03): 1-.
Liu Yingbin; Jiang Xiaogiang; Liu Fen; Luo Zhigiang(The Second Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical College,Nanchang 330006)Peng Skuyong(The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejian Medical University, Hangzhou 310009)He Xiaowei(Shongjiang County People’. . , 1998, 40(03): 1-.