GONG Xiao-feng~(1,2),XIE Ming-yong~1,YANG Miao-feng~3, WANG Xiao-ru~(3,4)(1.The Key Laboratory of Food Science of MOE, Nanchang University , Nanchang 330047,China; 2.Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Ecology and Bio-resource Utilization of MOE, Nanchang Univ
Abstract:The paper presents the studies on Determination and Distribution of Trace Rare Earth Elements in Ganoderma Atrum.Coarse polysaccharides were achieved from the Ganoderma atrum by water extraction,alkaline extraction and alcohol precipitation,then after dis
弓晓峰; 谢明勇; 杨妙峰; 王小如. ICP-MS测定江西黑芝中痕量稀土元素的含量及形态分布[J]. 南昌大学学报(理科版), 2005, 29(02): 1-.
GONG Xiao-feng~(1,2),XIE Ming-yong~1,YANG Miao-feng~3, WANG Xiao-ru~(3,4)(1.The Key Laboratory of Food Science of MOE, Nanchang University , Nanchang 330047,China; 2.Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Ecology and Bio-resource Utilization of MOE, Nanchang Univ. . , 2005, 29(02): 1-.